|| Gong Xi Fa CaiI |||

Hye semua..seperti yg korang tw ari nie ari raye cina..So aq nk ucpkn HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR TO ALL MY FRIENDZ WHO CELEBRATE THIS FESTIVAL..GONG XI FA CAI..lai2 ang paw..hehe..smlm aq mmg x lh tdor sehh..cbe ko byngkn cm ne r nk tdor klaw asyk2 dgr bnyi mrcn n mriam jerk..klaw slow x perh r jgk..nie kuat..DOHH..haha..time nie bnyk r buah limau yg dpt..smpai x trhbs nk dimkn..hehe..mse ari ahd ari 2 aq ad g jmputn khwn kt blakang bp mall..cre dia hidangkn mknn cm org dlu2..mk aq ckp r..stu mja just 4 people..aym n kmbing just stu mngkuk kcik jerk..jimat sehhh..haha..sblm aq g krj khwn..mse tngh nk gsok bju..aq bkak r astro citra ad citer yg aq mint beb..tjok nyer STREER RACERS..nie citer org RUSIA..tpi bezz r..citer psl lmba2 kereta..cm citer FAST AND FURIOUS..aq mmg nk sngt2 tgk citer nie..dh lme aq tnggu nk tgk..plakon dia pn bezz2..trutama wtk DOCKER dlm citer nie..mke dia cutez giler..mmg syokk r ble tgk..klaw korang nk tw yg ne stu DOCKER..kt bwh nie ad aq tnjukkn..yg bwh pic street racers nie..kn ad 2 pic mke sme..itu r dia DOCKER..

Ok r dh mlm r..mte aq pn dh nk gntok..ok insyallah nti aq update ag blog nie..tu pn klaw smpt r..bb aq lm wt ag krj skolh nie..hehe..ok r TIME TO SLEEP..BUBYE..

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